I've had my Raspberry Pi for 3-ish days. Except on Thursday, I didn't have time. And on Friday, I had little time and I spent most of it writing a corrupted image on mostly incompatible cards. I ended the day buying an 8GB Sandisk Class 4 card. I woke up the next morning, redownloaded the Debian image, and flashed it to the card. I booted it up...and it worked perfectly fine. Yay!
So, I had lots of fun today. I built a case, and had fun reading a nice blurry screen (a portable DVD player with video input -- the screen has been broken for a while and is always flashing.
Some pictures:
I spent a lot of time working on the floor for no reason. Also, that black computer on the ground is bridging its WiFi connection to its Ethernet jack into the Pi. I've yet to even order a powered hub, so I can't get WiFi on the Pi for a little while. This actually is a perfectly reasonable solution.
The case is a rough draft and made out of a matchbox.
Raspberry Pi is fun.
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